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Effective Strategies to Deal with Dementia Aggression

 Effective Strategies to Deal with Dementia Aggression

When an aging love one with dementia suddenly shows aggression when they’ve been particularly kind and non-violent, it can be quite terrifying and overwhelming.

These aggressive outbursts often happen for a reason. So, if you feel upset or attacked by your loved one’s violent behavior, do your best to keep calm and try to find its cause. Usually, when the cause is dealt with, the behavior stops.

Some of the most common reasons for aggression are stress, soiled underwear, a sudden change in routine, too much noise, and lack of sleep. During these times, it’s helpful to have personal care services for your loved one to avoid aggression due to unmet needs.

Aside from removing irritants, here are other ways you can deal with aggression in your aging loved one.

  • Communicate clearly and calmly
  • Validate their feelings and tell them that you’re there to help
  • Redirect their focus to another activity
  • Try to touch them gently and play their favorite music
  • Give them space and gather yourself before tackling the issue

Getting dementia care can also greatly help reduce instances of aggression in your loved one. Bellevue Rose AFH Inc. has a highly-experienced team of dementia caregivers who are trained and equipped to help dementia patients cope with their emotions.

We are a senior care home in Bellevue, Washington that provides high-quality care services for senior dementia. We ensure that our residents live in comfort and happiness during their stay.

Looking for an adult family home in Washington? Give us a call.

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