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Dementia Care: Tips to Help Ease Communication

dementia-care-tips-to-help-ease-communicationWhen a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, it can be difficult for the entire family. Dementia is a chronic, progressive disease that is characterized by the loss of cognitive functioning that affects a person’s ability to communicate. Hence, many dementia patients and their families seek help from a senior care home for personal care and other activities of daily living. As an adult family home in Washington, we will share tips for communicating with a loved one with dementia.

  • Limit Distractions

    A vital part of dementia care is communicating effectively. Before starting a conversation, be sure to limit potential distractions. Turn off the TV or any music playing, close the door, or look for a quiet space. Even simpler distractions like other people making conversation can be distracting and overwhelming for individuals with dementia.

  • Use Non-Verbal Communication

    When speaking, use simple and concise language. It is better to speak using a calm and friendly voice while incorporating non-verbal gestures. Doing so can reduce miscommunication and make it easier for your loved one to understand.

  • Avoid Overwhelming Questions

    When taking care of a loved one with dementia, it’s important to offer manageable choices with visual cues. For instance, asking what outfit they would like to wear can be too overwhelming. Instead, provide two or three options while showing the item of clothing. This makes it easier to make decisions as it simplifies the choice.

Bellevue Rose AFH Inc. is a trusted senior care home in Bellevue, Washington. To provide comprehensive care for our residents, we offer a range of services to facilitate healthy aging – including care for individuals with dementia. Reach out to us to learn more about our services and other ways we can help.

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