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Is Your Home Dangerous for Your Loved Ones

is-your-home-dangerous-for-your-loved-onesEvery home should be a place of comfort, relaxation, and, most of all, safety. While most homes are built to meet these needs, many seniors often find their homes unsafe and inaccessible.

As an adult family home in Washington, we fully understand how some homes can be unfit for senior living. As aging occurs, many of our physical abilities deteriorate, and the homes we used to find comfort in become dangerous. What are some dangers commonly found inside the typical home?

  • Tools and Equipment
    Areas like the kitchen and garage are often riddled with tools and pieces of equipment that can become hazardous for seniors. The tools in these areas can cause injury when misused. Individuals with poor cognition, such as those under dementia care, should be kept away from these areas.
  • Slippery Floors
    Good senior care services know that floors in some areas of the home can be slippery. Slips are common among older people as they may not have the ability to avoid them. Bathrooms, patios, and even kitchens can have wet floors that become slippery. Make sure you keep these areas as dry as possible.
  • Stairs and Other Raised Areas
    Accidents can clearly happen on staircases and other raised platforms like porches and balconies. Seniors and older adults may not have the physical abilities to navigate through these areas, raising the risk of fatal accidents.

If you feel like your home is becoming unsafe for your loved ones, call us here at Bellevue Rose AFH Inc. Our senior care home in Bellevue, Washington, is a peaceful and safe place especially made for seniors to thrive. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

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